Sunday 25 March 2012

This is the year, oh yes

So, with one entry in this blog, we're doing well for getting outdoorsy and fit.  Not.

But now, it's not that we haven't been outdoors at all, it's just that I haven't been writing about our adventures.  What a wally I am.

So we'll start again.  Thomas has new walking boots, James and Matthew are going to get some soon, and then we'll be off to the Lakes.  And my goodness gracious me, we are going to walk.  And we are going to sing and laugh and play and hide and seek and run and scream and get out of breath and eat ice-cream and climb trees and go off the path and paddle in streams and clamber over rocks and reach the top and skid down the other side and fall and pick ourselves up and get tired and cry a little bit and laugh a lot more and marvel at the beauty of it all and then go home and sleep.  And it's going to be marvellous, and beautifully old-fashioned.

There were two walks that we did in the past year that I wanted to write about and I will see if I can manage to do that some time soon - we walked around Ingleton Falls, quite soon after Hare Appletree; we did a lovely windy and cold walk to the Fairy Steps too.  Both of those were really good, both very different.  I have photos, so it would be good if I could make a concerted effort to pop them up here.

That is all I want to say for now.  I just wanted to write a little something to remind me to write something more really.  Now I have to go and collect my kids from their sleepover at my auntie's.  Then we'll be off outdoors for a game of footy, or some tree climbing.  Mmm.  Tree climbing on the cycle track - sounds really nice actually.

See you soon,
